5.2. spy.decorators

This module contains various function decorators for use in spy fragments.

--accumulate, -a

Accumulate values into an iterator by calling spy.collect(), and pass that to the fragment.

This can be used to write a fragment which executes at most once while passing data through:

-ma 'x = y;'

--callable, -c

Call the result of the decorated fragment

--filter, -f

Use the decorated fragment as a predicate—only elements for which the fragment returns a true value will be passed through.

--keywords, -k

On fragments generated by the CLI, sets the local scope to the input value before each invocation. Normal Python functions cannot do this—trying to decorate them will raise :exception:`ValueError`.

--many, -m

Call spy.many() with the result of the fragment.

5.2.1. Literal decorators

On the CLI, these decorators take a literal string rather than Python code. In Python-land, they expect to decorate a function that returns (scope, string). They’re especially pointless for non-CLI uses, and this documentation is written with CLI usage in mind.

--interpolate, -i

Interpolate the literal argument as a str.format() format string.

Keyword substitutions ({foo}) look up variable names. Positional substitutions ({2}) are indexes into the value being processed.

--regex, --regexp, -R

Match a regexp against the input using re.match().

5.2.2. Defining decorators

For integration with spy’s CLI and exception handling, decorators should be created using decorator().

@spy.decorators.decorator(name, *aliases[, doc=None][, prep=None][, takes_string=False])[source]

Turns a wrapper function into a spy decorator.

name and aliases are the CLI options that should refer to this decorator; doc is the help output to be printed next to it by --help.

If prep is passed, it must be a callable taking one argument, the callable we are about to decorate, and the wrapper will be called as:

wrapper(fn, v, context, opaque)

where opaque is whatever prep returns. Otherwise, the wrapper will be called with the first three arguments only.

If takes_string is True, the command-line option will consume a literal string instead of Python code, and fn will return a tuple of its local scope and the literal string value.

For usage examples, see Adding decorators.