4.1. spy

This module exposes spy’s core API.

See also

Function decorators for use with spy fragments

4.1.1. Constants


A signaling object: when returned from a fragment, the fragment will not yield any value.

4.1.2. Exceptions

exception spy.CaughtException[source]

Print the (formatted) traceback captured when the exception was raised.

4.1.3. Functions

class spy.catch

A context manager. Exceptions raised in the context will be subject to spy’s traceback formatting and wrapped in a CaughtException. If these are not caught, spy uses an exception hook to force them to be formatted properly. If you opt to catch CaughtException instead, you can use its print_traceback() method to print the formatted traceback without exiting.

class spy.chain(seq)[source]

Construct a chain of fragments from seq.

Parameters:seq (sequence) – Fragments to chain together

Alias for apply().


Feed data into the fragment chain, and return an iterator over the resulting data.

classmethod auto_fragments(seq)[source]

Like the regular constructor, but for each element in seq, apply fragment() to it if it isn’t already a fragment.

Items in seq must be either regular functions (not generators) or fragments.


Call apply(), then iterate until the chain runs out of data.


Return an iterator of the elements being processed by the current fragment. Can be used to write a fragment that consumes multiple items.


Given a callable func, return a fragment that calls func to process data. func must take at least one positional argument, a single value to process and return.

Optionally it can take another argument, called context. If it does, a context object will be passed to it on each invocation. This object has no documented public functionality; its purpose is to be passed to spy API functions that require it (namely collect()).


Return a signaling object that instructs spy to yield values from ita from the current fragment, instead of yielding only one value.